The Burgerists’ Pasta



First and foremost, most of the grocery stores we recently visited — the Trader Joe’s in Brooklyn Heights, Wegmans in Vinegar Hill, and more recently Publix in West Palm Beach — were out of pasta so here’s a way to make your own! And it’s healthier!

Secondly, making your own pasta is cathartic. Making your own anything is cathartic. Cookies? Hell yes. Bread? Oh yeah. Pasta follows the trend.

Oh — and if you don’t have all the tools below, don’t worry, there’s an alternative method thrown in. You’re not going to get uniform pasta, but that’s fine. Artisanal pasta is cool, too.

what you’re going to need

  • 150g 00 flour

  • 50g semolina flour

  • 100g buckwheat/rye flour 

  • 3 large eggs

  • generous pinch of salt

  • 1 tbsp of olive oil

  • semolina flour when you are rolling out the dough

  • pasta machine (I recommend this one from Imperia, but you can also use a rolling pin + knife — personally not a huge fan of the KitchenAid attachments.)

  • drying rack (this is the one we have, but this is optional and you can definitely get creative here)

how you make the pasta

Mix flours (00 flour, semolina flour, buckwheat/rye flour) together and create a well for eggs using your fingers. Crack eggs in the middle and add pinch of salt, olive oil to taste.

Using a fork (or hands with fingers spread apart), begin mixing eggs, salt together until dough begins to come together.

Add olive oil and begin to knead dough for 5 minutes.

Once dough becomes smooth on surface, cling wrap and place in a dark, cool place for at least 30 minutes, the longer the better.

Take dough out and let rest for 5 minutes.

Cut dough into 4-6 equal slices and roll into oblong shape.

Using pasta roller on widest setting, begin rolling pasta dough until it reaches thickness you desire (cutting and folding as needed).

Alternative Method: Using rolling pin (or even a wine bottle in a pinch) begin rolling pasta dough until it reaches thickness you desire (cutting and folding as needed).

Once desired thickness is achieved, cut pasta (either using pasta maker attachments, knife, or complete pasta sheet) and dry prior to cooking.

If cooking in boiling water, cook time: 90 - 120s.

If baking, follow instructions.

If you have leftover pasta dough, cling wrap and refrigerate — it’ll keep for up to two weeks.
